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Who We Are
The National MLTSS Health Plan Association (“MLTSS Association”) is the leading organization in Washington, DC promoting Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) and integrated care.
Our Issues

Now Available!
MLTSS Leadership Summit Report!
The National MLTSS Health Plan Association (MLTSS Association) hosted its 2024 Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., from September 24–26, 2024, bringing together leaders from across the healthcare industry, as well as state and federal governments. Under the theme “Connect. Engage. Build.”. This report captures the key takeaways, major discussions, and next steps as we continue working toward a stronger, more sustainable MLTSS system.

Read our
Value Based Contacting Paper!

Value-based contracting (VBC) has the potential to reshape long-term services and supports (LTSS) by aligning payment structures with improved outcomes, higher care quality, and greater efficiency. To advance these efforts, the MLTSS Association convened the Value-Based Contracting Workgroup in 2024, composed of member-managed care organizations (MCOs) tasked with identifying opportunities to promote the use of VBC within MLTSS and developing actionable strategies to overcome implementation barriers.
“MLTSS program features such as a dedicated care coordinator, better support for family caregivers, higher likelihood of community residence, the ability to live in the setting of one’s choice, and improved connection to the community can all have positive effects on consumer health and well-being.”
ADvancing States and CHCS, Demonstrating the Value of Medicaid MLTSS Programs
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