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About Us

The National MLTSS Health Plan Association (“MLTSS Association”) is the leading organization in Washington, DC promoting Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) and integrated care.


We represent health plans that contract with states to provide long-term services and supports to beneficiaries through the Medicaid program. Our members assist states in delivering high quality long-term services and supports with a focus on ensuring beneficiaries' quality of life and ability to live as independently as possible.

What We Do


​Since its founding in 2016, MLTSS Association members and the Association’s executive and government affairs teams have been proactively engaged with congressional committees, key Members of Congress and their staffs, and federal agency leadership to promote MLTSS and integrated care for dual eligible beneficiaries.

©2025| 601 Massachusetts Ave., NW, STE 520W, Washington, DC 20001-3743 | 202-909-2863 |

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