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Become a Member

The National MLTSS Health Plan Association (“MLTSS Association”) is the leading organization in Washington, DC promoting Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) and integrated care.

Make a Difference Today

Meeting the complex care needs of a growing population and transforming the experience and the impact of long-term care is one of the greatest challenges facing our country today.


MLTSS plans are at the forefront of the innovation that is needed to serve needs of a complex care population. Together, we can drive that change. Join the MLTSS Association and help build our capabilities, strengthen our voice, and increase our impact on the future.


Why join the MLTSS Association?

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The MLTSS Association Gives MLTSS Plans a Voice on Federal MLTSS and Integrated Care Policy

The MLTSS Association provides a unified platform for MLTSS plans.

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Medicaid MLTSS is a Unique Product Line

The MLTSS Association understands that LTSS are different than traditional health insurance and have a significant impact on a person’s independence, health, and quality of life.

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The MLTSS Association is a Leader

The MLTSS Association has been a leader over the last five years on significant developments of importance to MLTSS plans. 

What are the benefits of joining the MLTSS Association?

  • Sharing of ‘Best Practices’ on member-defined issues,

  • Networking with other MLTSS and Integrated Care leaders,

  • Access to Federal officials through strong advocacy channels,

  • Participation in the Association’s Policy Board that shapes the Association’s strategic and policy priorities,

  • Involvement in work groups on priority areas such as integrated care legislative priorities, home and community-based services (HCBS) quality measures, network adequacy, and policies related to COVID-19,

  • Working papers and briefings on current MLTSS policy issues,

  • Input on projects and campaigns to support the value of MLTSS and Integrated Care, and 

  • Membership with the affiliated multi-stakeholder convening organization, Long-Term Quality Alliance (LTQA).

©2025| 601 Massachusetts Ave., NW, STE 520W, Washington, DC 20001-3743 | 202-909-2863 |

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