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Public Charge Proposed Rule Comments

In response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds (DHS Docket No. USCIS– 2010–0012), the Association wrote a letter to express concern with the proposal to allow the receipt of a broader set of public benefits (including all Medicaid benefits) to factor into determinations of whether an individual is or might become a ‘public charge,’ as it may have the unintended consequence of reducing an already strained long-term care workforce. Based on the most recent estimates, approximately one in four direct long-term care workers are immigrants and may be subject to this new determination standard that may eventually lead to their emigration. As the demand for long-term care continues to increase alongside the portion of the population above the age of 65, the workforce serving these individuals will need to expand rather than contract.

Read the letter here.


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