On April 14, the National MLTSS Health Plan Association, sent a series of targeted Hill letters outlining the Associations highest priority policies to address the needs of the long-term services and supports (LTSS) community during COVID-19 to a number of Senate Republican offices. The purpose of these proposals is to support individuals with functional limitations to remain safe and healthy, to promote the safety of the LTSS workforce and equip it to meet growing economic and safety concerns, and to provide states and Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) with the flexibility to meet the demands of this emergency.
Letter to Sen. Alexander (TN) (Chairman, HELP Committee)
Letter to Sen. Collins (ME) (Chairman, Senate Special Committee on Aging)
Letter to Sen. Cruz (TX)
Letter to Sen. Grassley (IA) (Chairman, Senate Finance Committee)
Letter to Sen. Paul (KY)
Letter to Sen. Thune (SD)