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Policy Priorities During COVID-19 Hill Letters (June 2020)

On June 12, the National MLTSS Health Plan Association and a coalition of other LTSS stakeholders sent ten targeted Hill letters outlining the Association's highest priority policies to address the needs of the long-term services and supports (LTSS) community during COVID-19 to the same Senate Republican offices to which the Association sent letters in April. The purpose of these letters is to ask for support for important provisions included in H.R. 6800 (the HEROES Act) needed to address critical LTSS issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the for the consideration of additional policy positions not included in H.R. 6800 that would greatly benefit the populations most vulnerable to this virus.

Letter to Sen. Alexander (TN) (Chairman, HELP Committee) Letter to Sen. Barrasso (WY) Letter to Sen. Collins (ME) (Chairman, Senate Special Committee on Aging) Letter to Sen. Cornyn (TX) Letter to Sen. Cruz (TX) Letter to Sen. Grassley (IA) (Chairman, Senate Finance Committee) Letter to Sen. McConnell (KY) Letter to Sen. Paul (KY) Letter to Sen. Thune (SD) Letter to Sen. Toomey (PA)


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